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Apple Restricts AirDrop In China After Its Use In Protests

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Apple has placed restrictions on AirDrop file-sharing across iPhones from China. This is after protesters used the feature to share images against the Chinese government.

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Airdrop's "Everyone" option is now restricted to users within China. AirDrop's device-to-device sharing will stop after ten minutes. This makes it more difficult to share content with strangers in masse.

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Apple has introduced new time restrictions just weeks after posters were posted against President Xi Jinping.

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AirDrop is often used to bypass China's online censorship.

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AirDrop is not a safe haven for free speech. The feature has been misused to send unsolicited nudes and threats to strangers to ground planes.

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Wireless file-sharing can be easily misused, not only by people who wish to spam strangers with photos of space sloths.

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Apple was previously criticized for making changes to appease China's government, such as removing VPN apps or hiding the Taiwanese flag Emoji for Macau and Hong Kong residents.

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