#QuickTakes By

Foldable iPhone Will Look Something Like This

Scribbled Arrow


-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

Apple is working on a foldable iPhone.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

A recently approved patent shows a possible design for the device.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

Patent sketches do not provide a clear idea of the final product's appearance.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

The device's display layers may be mounted under transparent sections of the walls.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

The front and side walls could be made of glass or other transparent material.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

The touch sensor and display layers would extend under the transparent sections.

-: Images :-

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

Cross-sectional sketches depict a device with two flexible sections.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

The device would be able to fold along two respective bend axes.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

The patent suggests that the device's display would not have a visible crease when folded.

-: FOLLOW US :-  @theinsaneapp

The patent does not provide information about when the foldable iPhone will be released.


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