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Samsung Made A Laptop Display That Folds And Slides At The Same Time

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Samsung Display will show off its latest display concept mixed display during CES 2023.

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Also known as The Flex Hybrid, the display can fold and slide simultaneously.

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Samsung claims that it's a prototype for future laptops, however it's possible to imagine tablets with the same concept.

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The Flex Hybrid has a foldable design on the left and sliding technology in the middle.

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The users can stream videos and movies on the 10.5-inch screen with an aspect ratio of 4:3, as well as on the 12.4-inch larger screen that features an aspect ratio of 16:10.

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Unfortunately, Samsung Display didn't go into detail on what we can expect from their products to make use of this Flex Hybrid.

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TCL had previously shown something similar in the past that combined a foldable and rollable display however we have not yet seen any devices that utilize the display.

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These ideas are certainly interesting to study however, their commercial viability is an additional issue.

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Producing products on a large scale with a special display like these is difficult due to a variety of reasons, however manufacturers of laptops are more and more overcoming these obstacles.


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